Turkish and Swedish Perspectives

eds. Marie Carlson, Annika Rabo & Fatma Gök, ISBN 9789186884208

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1. M Carlson & A. Rabo, Introduction
2. A. Özturkmen, Challenges in „Multicultural? Education Historical Ethnography of a Multicultural Education: A Critical Memory of the 1970s–80s
3. A. Rabo, Reorganising Teacher Education in Sweden: Paradoxes of Diversity
4. T. Kanci & A. Gul Altinay, Educating Little Soldiers and Little Ayses: Militarised and Gendered Citizenship in Turkish Textbooks
5. I. Lindberg, Multilingual Education: A Swedish Perspective
6. F. Gök, The Girls? Institutes in the Early Period of the Turkish Republic
7. M. Gögüs Tan, Women, Education and Development in Turkey
8. M. Carlson, Images and Values in Textbooks and Practice: Language Courses for Immigrants in Sweden
9. K. von Brömssen, Reflections on Pupils? Talk about Religion in Sweden
10. A. Akpinar, The Making of a Good Citizen and Conscious Muslim through Public Education: The Case of Imam Hatip Schools
11. A.-S. Holm & Elisabeth Öhrn, Strategies for Empowerment Crossing Boundaries? Complexities and Drawbacks to Gendered Success Stories
12. M. Apak, IMECE: A Women?s Self-Empowerment Practice in a Shantytown of Istanbul 199-214
13. L. Soysal, (In)formal Institutions, Culture and Educating Migrant Girls: The View from Berlin
14. Ove Sernhede, Microphone Prophets and Schooling Outside School: The Global Tribe of Hip-Hop and Immigrant Youth in "The New Sweden"
15. F. Gök, The History and Development of Turkish Education
16. S. Hartman, The Development of the Swedish Educational System

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