Autumn 2022 In Search for Troy: Between Myth and History (English / 30 minutes)
On the occasion of a new Swedish book about Troy by Philippe Bohström, Professor Barry Strauss at Cornell University gives a talk about Homer and the stories about the Trojan War.
Autumn 2020 Words Can Be Like Tiny Doses of Arsenic: an Introduction to the Autumn Lecture Series (English / 12 minutes)
SRII director Ingela Nilsson outlines the main themes of this autumn's lecture series on the theme of Language and Communication.
Summer 2020 Ottoman Clock Towers: a conversation about time, modernity, and Istanbul (English / 23 minutes)
Dr. Adrian Marsh, Ottoman and East European historian, in a discussion with Olof Heilo, SRII, about late Ottoman clock towers as symbols of progress and objects of nostalgia.
Spring 2020 Women and Public Space: interview with Selda Tuncer (English / 20 minutes)
The SI and SFII guest researcher in Uppsala Selda Tuncer and director Ingela Nilsson in a talk about the struggle of women in the public space, both in Turkey and beyond – and what happens to women all over the world as a consequence of the current Covid-19 lockdown.
Winter 2020 Aspects of European Classicism and Orientalism: lecture by Olof Heilo (English / 30 minutes)
Using various examples from music, art, literature and architecture 1775–1825, SFII deputy director Olof Heilo reflects upon the various and often intertwined uses of Classical and Oriental topoi in European cultural production at the threshold of the Modern period. With musical examples (Piano: Olof Heilo. Baritone: Sven Heilo)
Autumn 2019 Kvinnoperspektiv på politik och samhälle: intervju med Anna Ehrhart (Svenska / 21 minuter)
SFII:s stipendiat Anna Ehrhart och praktikanten Chawan Bakhtiar i ett samtal om kvinnoaktivism i Turkiet och världen av idag. En nedkortad skriftlig version återfinns i Kalabalık! 6/2019.
Summer 2019 Noch ist die Türkei nicht verloren: intervju med Ingmar Karlsson (Svenska / 40 minuter)
Ingmar Karlsson berättar om sina år som generalkonsul i Istanbul 2001–2008 och ger perspektiv på hur relationerna mellan Turkiet och Europa har förändrats och kommer att utvecklas under kommande år. Intervju: Andrea Karlsson, Olof Heilo. En nedkortad skriftlig version återfinns i Dragomanen 21/2019.